I was spanked, many of my friends were spanked and our generation was the last that had real respect. I didn't spank my daughter, I never needed to, she is still a good kid and respectful. I am not against spanking in certain circumstances but it should be the last resort. I just get really angry with parents who are too weak and fluffy with their kids. You know the ones....now sweetie stop pulling the dogs tail, he doesn't like it.....hunny what did I say, you shouldn't pull the dogs tail....sweetie you really need to stop that and listen to mommy....blah blah blah in a sugary soft voice that makes me want to smack the mother across the head! I don't know if it's bad,weak, parenting or society but in general younger people have a serious lack of respect and sense of entitlement that is kind of mind blowing. There are times when a spank is needed, or something else. When we were looking after the grandkids the younger one was pretty violent and out of control and when he bit me, not for the first time, I grabbed his arm and bit him. Not enough to leave a mark but enough to let him know it fucking hurt and it's not funny at all.
Honestly, sometimes a spank is needed,a spank, NOT a beating!